"Quick as a Cricket"

During the "Quick as a Cricket" assignment I created a Power Point presentation similar to the story to explain myself using similes. The Power Point I created had 4 slides including a title page and a page giving what sources I used.  I also included a picture to each slide to emphasize each simile used.
I thought the assignment was fun, and a great idea to teach children how to create similes and how to use Microsoft Power Point. I was happy to see how including computers can make assignments fun and interesting for children. While doing the lesson I was having so much fun I seemed to forget that it was an actual assignment, which is great to know for future teaching.

From this assignment I learned that including computers can make a world of difference to the students thought of the work assigned. Allowing them to create something or work on the computer as part of the assignment makes the work fun and different from the usual "pen and paper" experience.
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Electronic Presentation Lesson Plan

For this assignment I created a lesson plan that incorporated a Power Point presentation into the assignment. Here is the lesson summary to my assignment:

"Given access to the Internet
the students will work in small groups to research different tribes of Native Americans. Each group will be assigned a tribe to research, once all required information is gathered the students will present their findings to the class by Power Point. After all of the presentations the class will discuss how European settlers affected Native American's and compare the differences and similarities between tribes".

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